please accept my condolences中文完整相關資訊 - 說愛你
文章推薦指數: 80 %
簡單的致以哀悼有My condolences 或Please accept my sincere / deepest condolences. 但請不要直譯中文的節哀順變做"restrain g... 2. my condolences - 英中– Linguee ... 首頁丈夫丈夫英文喪禮英文用語mycondolences中文pleaseacceptmycondolences中文 condolencemessage中文Condolencesmessagemycondolencestoyouandyourfamily中文mydeepestc
- 1節哀順變遇到有人過世死亡時要如何表達同情安慰致意語言英文
My condolences.節哀。 My sincere condolences.最真摯的哀悼。 Hearty condolence to ...
- 2除了說I'm sorry還能這樣表達同情與安慰 - 英語島
英語島English Island是一本【中文裡包含英文;英文裡包含中文】的雙語月刊;它讓人在閱讀 ... I am writing to express my sincere condolen...
- 3my condolences-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: my deepest condolences, my sincere condolences, offer my condolences, express ...
- 4關於Condolence的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: It is most commonly used to show sympathy during time of death. "I heard your mother passed aw...
- 5please accept my condolences中文完整相關資訊 - 說愛你
簡單的致以哀悼有My condolences 或Please accept my sincere / deepest condolences. 但請不要直譯中文的節哀順變做"restrain g...