如果你想買個新包包,有點小虛榮心想買個牌子的,但是又沒有天生白富美的投胎技術,紀梵希、BV、愛馬仕、Chloe等大牌都要咬咬牙~ Coach、Gucci又太容易撞包了……(雖然不同Level,但...
From Mandarin 壯/壮 (zhuàng). NounEdit. Zhuang (plural Zhuangs or Zhuang). A member of an ethnic gr...
Zhuang may refer to: Zhuang people (or Bouxcuengh people), ethnic group in China; Zhuang language...
Zhuang Minority. China has the largest population (almost 18 million) among all the 55 ethnic gro...
Zhuang, largest ethnic minority of South China, chiefly occupying the Zhuang Autonomous Region of...
The Zhuang people are a Tai-speaking East Asian ethnic group who mostly live in the Guangxi Zhuan...
如果你想買個新包包,有點小虛榮心想買個牌子的,但是又沒有天生白富美的投胎技術,紀梵希、BV、愛馬仕、Chloe等大牌都要咬咬牙~ Coach、Gucci又太容易撞包了……(雖然不同Level,但...