po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1不言而喻的英文怎么说 - 沪江网校
不言而喻的英文: [Literal Meaning] not/speak/aux./understand to go without saying [解释] 不用说话就能明白,形容道理很明显。 ...
- 2不言而喻英語怎麼說? - 雅瑪知識
誰能幫我翻譯這句話啊翻成英文的(不言而喻,青年人的. 你好! 有許多選擇,看語境而定。 It goes without saying that the young 。
- 3不言而喻-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
一种意见认为,本款的规定不言而喻,可以删去。 One view was that the paragraph stated the obvious and could be deleted. 从...
- 4不言而喻的的英文單字 - 漢語網
人年紀越大通常靈活性越差,這是不言而喻的。 it is axiomatic that as people grow older they generally become less agile....
- 5不言而喻 - Wiktionary