bipolar disorder中文

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[PDF] 台灣雙極性疾患治療共識發證書,成為正式ISBD Taiwan bipolar chapter。

為與國際接軌及研究 ... Antidepressants 在雙極性疾患維持期的使用,在bipolar disorder. II 較適合,在bipolar ...[DOC] bipolar disorder從躁鬱症的英文來看,bipolar disorder可以直接翻譯成兩極化的失調。


| [PDF] 疾病名稱:Depressive disorders ICD-10-CM:F32、F33、F34性疾病(Bipolar Disorder)。

此二期在病程發展中,可交替出現,其高/低. 潮期之比率,在第二型輕躁症或群譜性雙極症以低潮期為多。

然何時會. 情感性精神疾.雙極性疾患 - 臺北榮民總醫院精神醫學部2016年2月22日 · 圖一:雙極性疾患(Bipolar disorder, BD)依情緒表現的程度而分為不同亞型,雖說二型都會出現重度憂鬱期,但其躁性症狀的程度卻有高低之分,例如第一型 ...躁鬱症- 维基百科,自由的百科全书躁鬱症(英語:bipolar disorder,亦稱双相情感障碍、情緒兩極症,早期稱為躁狂抑鬱疾病、manic depression),是一種精神病經歷情緒的亢奮期和抑鬱期,是現代主要精神 ...Distinctions between bipolar and unipolar depression - NCBIPsychiatric nosology since the DSM-III has classified major depressive disorder separately from bipolar disorder, defined by the presence of mania. Several ...Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar DisordersArch Gen Psychiatry 33:117–120, 1976c Faedda GL, Baldessarini RJ, Tohen M, et al: Episode sequence in bipolar disorder and response to lithium treatment.Bipolar Disorder: The Science of Mental HealthPapolos DF , Veit S , Faedda GL , et al : Ultra - ultra rapid cycling bipolar disorder ... Roy - Byrne PP , Joffe RT , Uhde TW , et al : Approaches to the ...Bipolar Depression: A Comprehensive GuideGabapentin Bipolar Disorder Study Group . ... J Clin Psychiatry 47 : 490-494 , 1986 Post RM , Uhde TW , Ballenger JC , et al : Carbamazepine and its -10,11 ...The Bipolar Book: History, Neurobiology, and TreatmentCommon genetic determinants of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in ... Muhleisen, T. W., Leber, M., Schulze, T. G., Strohmaier, J., Degenhardt, F., ...
