Song Key of 說好的幸福呢(周杰倫)

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Audio Profile ... 說好的幸福呢is written in the key of Am. Open Key notation: 1m. Find popular songs in the key of Am Convert to the ... Songs Artists Albums Artists 周杰倫 魔杰座 說好的幸福呢 說好的幸福呢 周杰倫 KeyofAm 1m Wrong? Key CC♯/D♭DD♯/E♭ EFF♯/G♭G G♯/A♭AA♯/B♭B Mode Major Minor Submit AudioProfile 24 Positiveness 55 Danceability 48 Energy 35 Acousticness 14 Liveness 魔杰座 2008 6 說好的幸福呢 4'16 說好的幸福呢iswritteninthekeyofAm. OpenKeynotation:1m. FindpopularsongsinthekeyofAm ConverttotheCamelotnotationwithourKeyNotationConverter Get說好的幸福呢BPM ModulationinAmformusicians BestKeystomodulateareEm(dominantkey),Dm(subdominant), andC(relativemajor). Notesinthescale:A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A HarmonicMixingin1mforDJs CompatibleOpenKeysare2m,12m, and1d. 1d 1m 2m 12m SimilarSongs Findsimilarsongs(100)thatwillsoundgoodwhenmixedwith說好的幸福呢by周杰倫. You'llfindbelowalistofsongshavingsimilartemposandadjacentMusicKeysforyournextplaylistorHarmonicMixing. Sortby: Popularity Mostgenresincommon Year Energy Danceability Acousticness Liveness Orderby: DESC ASC Legend:energy,danceability,acousticness,liveness. LoadSimilarSongs TopSongs周杰倫 安靜 范特西 七里香 七里香 夜的第七章 依然范特西 最长的电影 我很忙 止戰之殤 七里香 阳光宅男 我很忙
