following-主題- 介系詞 - 英文995

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接著的, 下列的 prep.在... 以後 n.追隨者, 下列各項 動詞follow的現在分詞. 例句與用法:. The ship was due to sail the following morning. 這艘船定於第二天啟航。

following-主題 英文995 英文詞性 介系詞 following[形容詞]接著的,其次的;下面的;[介係詞]在...以後;[名詞]一批追隨者;下列事物(或人員) 音源引用Dr.eye譯典通 短網址: 複製網址 FB分享 Line分享 Google分享 推特分享 新浪分享 following['fɔləuiŋ]adj.接著的,下列的 prep.在...以後 n.追隨者,下列各項 動詞follow的現在分詞例句與用法:Theshipwasduetosailthe following morning.這艘船定於第二天啟航。

Herbooksaren'tbestsellers,buttheyhaveacertaincult following.她的書算不上暢銷書,但有一定的崇拜者。

Thepoliceare following amurdererwho'sinhiding.警察正在追趕藏匿起來的殺人犯。

Itrainedonthedaywearrived,butthe following daywassunny.我們到達的那天正下雨,但次日天氣晴朗。

英文解釋:名詞following:agroupoffollowersorenthusiasts同義詞:followerstheactofpursuinginanefforttoovertakeorcapture同義詞:pursuit, chase, pursual動詞follow:totravelbehind,goafter,comeafter同義詞:followbelaterintime同義詞:postdate, followcomeasalogicalconsequence;followlogically同義詞:follow, fallouttravelalongacertaincourse同義詞:follow, travelalongactinaccordancewithsomeone'srules,commands,orwishes同義詞:comply, follow, abidebycomeafterintime,asaresult同義詞:follow, comeafterbehaveinaccordanceorinagreementwith同義詞:follow, conformtobenext同義詞:followchooseandfollow;asoftheories,ideas,policies,strategiesorplans同義詞:adopt, follow, espousetobringsomethingaboutatalatertimethan同義詞:followimitateinbehavior;takeasamodel同義詞:takeafter, followfollow,discover,orascertainthecourseofdevelopmentofsomething同義詞:trace, followfollowwiththeeyesorthemind同義詞:watch, observe, follow, watchover, keepaneyeonbethesuccessor(of)同義詞:succeed, comeafter, followperformanaccompanimentto同義詞:playalong, accompany, followkeepinformed同義詞:keepup, keepabreast, followtobetheproductorresult同義詞:come, followacceptandfollowtheleadershiporcommandorguidanceof同義詞:followadheretoorpractice同義詞:followworkinaspecificplace,withaspecificsubject,orinaspecificfunction同義詞:be, followkeepundersurveillance同義詞:surveil, follow, surveyfollowinorasifinpursuit同義詞:pursue, followgraspthemeaning同義詞:followkeepto同義詞:stickto, stickwith, follow形容詞following:goingorproceedingorcomingafterinthesamedirectioninthedesireddirectionimmediatelyfollowingintimeororder同義詞:nextabouttobementionedorspecified同義詞:undermentioned同義詞next | succeeding | subsequent | ensuing | after | behind | inthewakeof | atthebackof | attherearof | resulting | suite | retinue | sequential | supporters | sequent | advocates | train | clientage | clientele | coterie | fans | successive | claque | entourage | dependents | coming | afterward | consequent | consequential | later | consecutive | second | pursuit | undermentioned | pursual | chase | followers |反義詞leading | previous |以上來源於大辭典 翻譯英文 英文翻譯 英文單字 英文翻譯 翻譯 介係詞 英文詞性 英文單字 常用英文詞性 英文單字查詢 英文單字記憶法 英文單字表 高中英文詞性 高中英文 英文單字王 單字卡 背單字 單字a到z 英文瀏覽紀錄 2021-12-26 following 1 英文熱門瀏覽 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) increase 24499 ( 名詞 ) villain 19094 ( 動詞 , 名詞 , 形容詞 ) major 17588 ( 形容詞 ) attractive 13911 ( 名詞 ) accumulation 10889 ( 名詞 ) threshold 10865 ( 動詞 ) analyze 9561 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) guarantee 7890 ( 動詞 ) solve 7206 ( 動詞 ) utilize 6575 ( 形容詞 ) eager 6317 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) abandon 6261 英文相關瀏覽 ( 冠詞 ) a 4221 ( 縮寫 ) A.M. 2876 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) abandon 6261 ( 形容詞 ) abandoned 3008 ( 名詞 ) abbey 2848 ( 縮寫 ) abbreviate 3376 ( 名詞 ) abbreviation 2275 ( 名詞 ) abdomen 2996 ( 動詞 ) abide 5244 ( 名詞 ) ability 3482 ( 形容詞 ) able 3489 ( 形容詞 ) abnormal 3490 英文單字en995 日期:2017-02-27
