arrived at the ball | English examples in context -
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Sutton started with technique, the way Harris always arrived at the ball in the same position: shoulders square, knees bent, legs moving but not crossed. connectionIcon Youareoffline. filterOutline
- 1arrived at the ball意思 - 軟體兄弟
arrived at the ball意思,文章推薦指數: 53 % ... 【網友推薦】arrived at the ball什麼意思- 自助旅行最佳解答-202101232021年1月23日...
- 2arrived at the ball甚麼意思完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活
這句的英文原意是「大門就在那裡」,是下逐客令、要別人滾出去的意思。 ... I beat 38.18% of other players in today's Spot the Ball qui...
- 3arrived at the ball | English examples in context -
Sutton started with technique, the way Harris always arrived at the ball in the same position: sh...
- 4arrived at the ball俚語 - 遊戲基地資訊站
可不是「你在球上」! - 每日頭條2018年7月25日· 1)含義:on the ball 這個習慣用語的意思是:一個人很機靈,在 ...
- 5arrived at the ball什麼意思完整相關資訊 - 數位感
【網友推薦】arrived at the ball什麼意思- 自助旅行最佳解答-202101232021年1月23日· "to get the ball rolling"的意思是要「大家動起來、...