Semiannual Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
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SEMIANNUAL meaning: happening or produced every six months or twice in each year. TheBritannicaDictionary mobilesearch Home AsktheEditor WordoftheDay Quizzes CoreVocabulary BrowsetheDictionary × BritannicaHomepage AsktheEditor WordoftheDay Quizzes CoreVocabulary BrowsetheDictionary TheBritannicaDictionary semiannual 1ENTRIESFOUND: semiannual(adjective) semiannual /ˌsɛmiˈænjəwəl/ adjective semiannual /ˌsɛmiˈænjəwəl/ adjective BritannicaDictionarydefinitionofSEMIANNUAL chieflyUS : happeningorproducedeverysixmonthsortwiceineachyear mysemiannualvisittomycousin asemiannualjournal/report [+]moreexamples [-]hideexamples [+]Examplesentences [-]Hideexamples —semiannually adverb ASKTHEEDITOR Isthereaspecificwordforapainterwhopaintspicturesasopposedtohouses? Seetheanswer» QUIZZES VocabularyQuiz Testyourwordpower TaketheQuiz» NameThatThing Takeourvisualquiz TestYourKnowledge» WORDOFTHEDAY attired :dressedinaparticularway(formal) LearnMore» AboutUs&LegalInfo PartnerProgram ContactUs PrivacyNotice TermsofUse PronunciationSymbols Help ©2022EncyclopædiaBritannica,Inc.
- 1Semiannual Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
SEMIANNUAL meaning: happening or produced every six months or twice in each year.
- 2Semiannual Definition & Meaning |
Semiannual means twice a year (or, technically, once every half a year). The word semiyearly mean...
- 3Semiannual definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Semiannual definition: occurring every half-year | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examp...
- 4Semiannual Definition - Investopedia
Semiannual describes something that is paid, reported, published, or otherwise takes place twice ...
- 5semi-annually-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Geographical distribution of staff is reviewed semi-annually by OHRM and respe...