▶️ YouTube Emojis and Emotes Emoji List - Emojipedia
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YouTube has a set of emoji-like emotes which work in live streams and compliment the standard set of emojis which can be entered using shortcodes. YouTubehasasetofemoji-like emotes whichworkinlivestreamsandcomplimentthestandardsetofemojiswhichcanbeenteredusingshortcodes. TheseincludetheYouTubelogowhichcanbeenteredbytyping:yt:intoanylivechat. EmotesonYouTubedonotworkinYouTubecaptionsorcomments,andthesewillconverttothetextstringwhencopiedoutsideoflivestreamchats. :buffering: :oops: :yt: NewYouTubeemotesforCoronaviruswere releasedinMarch2020include: :chillwcat: :chillwdog: :dothefive: :elbowbump: :elbowcough: :goodvibes: :hydrate: :learning: :sanitizer: :shelterin: :socialdist: :stayhome: :takeout: :thanksdoc: :videocall: :virtualhug: :washhands: :yougotthis: Hiddencodeswhichdon'tappearintheemojipicker,unlessthecodeistyped: :awesome: :gar: :jakepeter: ->inmemoryof JakePeter :wormOrangeGreen: :wormRedBlue: :wormYellowRed: :ytg: Related Apple aubyKDDI Clubhouse Discord Docomo Dropbox emojidex Emojipedia Facebook GitHub Google HTC Instagram JoyPixels LG LinkedIn Messenger Microsoft Mozilla Nintendo OpenMoji Roblox Samsung SinaWeibo Skype Slack Snapchat SoftBank SonyPlaystation Sponsored Telegram TikTok Twitch Twitter Viber VinSmart VK WeChat WhatsApp YoStatus YouTube Zoom Categories 😃Smileys&People 🐻Animals&Nature 🍔Food&Drink ⚽Activity 🌇Travel&Places 💡Objects 🔣Symbols 🎌Flags MostPopular ❤️RedHeart ✨Sparkles 🔥Fire 😊SmilingFacewithSmilingEyes ✔️CheckMark 😂FacewithTearsofJoy 🥰SmilingFacewithHearts 🥺PleadingFace 👍ThumbsUp LatestNews 👀KeithBroniisEmojipedia'sNewEditorinChief 📈TopEmojiTrendsof2021 🎄HolidayEmojisAreComing 💑NewCoupleEmojisComeToWhatsApp 🪟Windows11November2021EmojiChangelog 🦃ThanksgivingEmojisGetGobbledUp 🧔SamsungOneUI4.0EmojiChangelog 🤖GoogleEmoji14.0Changelog Events 🇦🇺AustraliaDay 🇫🇷BastilleDay 🎂Birthday 🛍️BlackFriday ✊🏿BlackLivesMatter 🇨🇦CanadaDay 🇧🇷Carnaval 🐉ChineseNewYear 🎅Christmas 🇲🇽CincodeMayo 🦠Coronavirus 🪔Diwali 🇨🇳DragonBoatFestival 🌱EarthDay 🐰Easter 🎥EmojiMovie 🍂Fall/Autumn 👨Father’sDay 💪Festivus 🌿FourTwenty/420 🎓Graduation 🔥GuyFawkes 🎃Halloween 🕎Hanukkah 💕Hearts 🕉️Holi 🇺🇸IndependenceDay ♀️InternationalWomen'sDay 🤱Mother’sDay 🎊NewYear’sEve 🔞NSFW 🏊Olympics 🏳️🌈Pride 🎭Purim 👑Queen’sBirthday ☪️Ramadan 🌱Spring ☘️StPatrick’sDay ☀️Summer 🏈SuperBowl 🦃Thanksgiving 💘Valentine’sDay 🎖️VeteransDay 👰Wedding/Marriage ⛄Winter 🎿WinterOlympics 🏡WorkingFromHome ⚽WorldCup 🌎WorldEmojiDay
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