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形容詞比較級和最高級的變化 · later(稍後)/ latter(後者) · the latest(最近的)/ the last(最後一個). skiptomain| skiptosidebar Friday,February15,2019 形容詞比較級和最高級的變化 Tags adjectives, comparatives, superlatives (形容詞分:原級、比較級和最高級) 例如:高的、比較高的、最高的;美的、比較美的、最美的。


規則變化 1.       單音節形容詞,(少數)二音節形容詞 +er       比較級    單音節形容詞,(少數)二音節形容詞+est      最高級 原級(Positive)  比較級(Comparative)     最高級(Superlative) tall              taller                     tallest long             longer                    longest short            shorter                    shortest young           younger                   youngest old              older                     oldest fast               faster                    fastest hard              harder                   hardest few              fewer                    fewest clever            cleverer                  cleverest narrow           narrower                 narrowest  2.       字尾是e+r             比較級    字尾是e+st            最高級 原級            比較級          最高級 large            larger            largest wide            wider            widest nice             nicer            nicest late             later             latest strange          stranger          strangest 3.       字尾是子音+y……去掉y+ier      比較級    字尾是子音+y……去掉y+iest      最高級 原級            比較級          最高級 dry             drier             driest busy            busier            busiest easy            easier            easiest early            earlier           earliest happy           happier          happiest heavy           heavier           heaviest pretty           prettier           prettiest dirty            dirtier            dirtiest 4. 形容詞字尾是短母音+子音,重複字尾子音+er 形容詞字尾是短母音+子音,重複字尾子音+est 原級            比較級          最高級 big              bigger           biggest thin             thinner          thinnest hot              hotter           hottest fat              fatter            fattest sad              sadder           saddest wet             wetter           wettest 5.  more+-ful,-ble,-ous,-ing,-ve等二音節形容詞及三音節形容詞     most+-ful,-ble,-ous,-ing,-ve等二音節形容詞及三音節形容詞 原級                  比較級             最高級 beautiful           morebeautiful       mostbeautiful careful             morecareful        mostcareful comfortable         morecomfortable    mostcomfortable famous            morefamous        mostfamous interesting          moreinteresting     mostinteresting active              moreactive        mostactive expensive          moreexpensive      mostexpensive difficult           moredifficult        mostdifficult important         moreimportant       mostimportant 不規則變化 原級                  比較級             最高級 good                  better              best well                   better              best bad                   worse              worst many                  more              most much                   more              most little                   less               least old                    older              oldest old                    elder              eldest(指排行) far                    farther             farthest(指距離) far                    further             furthest(指程度) late                    later              latest(指時間) late                    latter             last((指順序) 原級句型 1.       as+原級形容詞+as a.      Iamastallashe(is). b.      HeisasoldasI(am). c.      MaryisasbeautifulasLucy. d.      MyhouseisaslargeasJohn’s. 2.       notas+原級形容詞+as notso+原級形容詞+as a.      Mr.Greenisnotasoldashelooks. b.      Mr.Greenisnotsooldashelooks. 3.       less+原級形容詞+than a.      Thebearislesslargethantheelephant. b.      Iamlessoldthanyou. 4.       theleast+原級形容詞 a.      Billistheleasttall(=theshortest)ofthethreebrothers. b.      Thisistheleastexpensive(=thecheapest)ofall. 比較級句型 1.                     be+比較級形容詞+than a.      Theywerehappierthantheyarenow. b.      Hewasthinnerthanheisnow. c.      Iamyoungerthanhe. d.      Summerishotterthanspring. e.      LessonOneismoredifficultthanLessonTwo. f.        Myhatismoreexpensivethan Mary’s. g.      Whoisearlier,BenorTom? h.      Whichismoreexpensive,beeforpork? 2.                     be+比較級形容詞+ofthetwo a.      Heisthetallerofthetwo. b.      Sheisthebetterofthetwo. c.      Tommyistheworseofthetwo. d.      Dr.Wangisthemorefamousofthetwo. e.      MissWhiteisthemorebeautifulofthetwo. *** very+原級形容詞  Thisbookisveryinteresting.       much+比較級形容詞  Atrainismuchfasterthanabus.                             Todayismuch colderthanyesterday.       even +比較級形容詞  Heisevenworsethanhisbrother.                             Thatbookiseven moreinteresting. 最高級句型 1.       the + 最高級形容詞 a.      Mr.Liistheyoungestteacherinourschool. b.      Sallyisthebeststudentinherclass. c.      Julyisthehottestmonthintheyear. d.      Whoisthetallest,Tom,Bill,orMark? e.      ThisisthemostinterestingbookIhaveeverread. f.        Sheisthemostbeautifulgirl Ihaveeverseen. 2.       be+最高級形容詞+ofthethree a.      Heisthebestofthethree. b.      Michaelisthestrongestofall. c.      Thishouseisthemostexpensiveofthefour. ***原級,比較級,最高級互換 NoothergirlissoyoungasMary. Maryisyoungerthananyothergirl. Maryisyoungerthanalltheothergirls. Maryistheyoungestofallthegirls. NootherstudentissosmartasTed. Tedissmarterthananyotherstudent. Tedissmarterthanalltheotherstudents. Tedisthesmartestofallthestudents. 含有比較級,最高級的成語 Youhadbettergorightaway.=You’dbetter gorightaway. =Youbettergorightaway. Nomoretea,thankyou. LateronIthoughtitwasreallyfunny. Atlast,hemadeit. Atleastitisworth30,000dollars. Hewillbebackbythreeatthelatest. I’lldomybest. Youhavetomakethemostofyourtime. 副詞的比較:大多數的情狀副詞和少數表時間或程度的副詞可以和形容詞一樣地形成比較級和最高級。

1. 單音節副詞,(少數)二音節副詞+er       比較級    單音節副詞,(少數)二音節副詞+est      最高級 原級                  比較級               最高級 hard(努力地)        harder              hardest fast                   faster               fastest soon                  sooner               soonest early                  earlier               earliest late                    later               latest(指時間) late                    latter              last ((指順序 2.   more+二音節以上副詞                  比較級      most+   ---ly                         最高級 原級                  比較級             最高級 often                  moreoften          mostoften seldom                moreseldom         mostseldom carefully               morecarefully       mostcarefully clearly                moreclearly         mostclearly kindly                 morekindly         mostkindly quickly                morequickly        mostquickly beautifully             morebeautifully      mostbeautifully 3.       不規則變化 well                   better              best badly                  worse              worst much                  more              most little                   less               least far                    farther             farthest(指距離) far                    further             furthest(指程度) late                    later              latest(指時間) late                    latter             last((指順序) 原級句型 1.  as+原級副詞+as a.       IworkashardasJohn(does). b.       TomcanrunasfastasI(can). c.       HegoesthereasoftenasI(do). 2.  notas+原級形容詞+as notso+原級形容詞+as a.      Idon’tworkashardashe(does). b.      Hedoesn’tcomehereasoftenasyou(do). c. Tomcan’trunasfastasI(can). 比較級句型 動詞+比較級副詞+than 1.       HerunsfasterthanI(do). 2.       Helenwrotemorecarefullythan Tom(did). 3.       Ilearnedmorequicklythanshe (did). 4.       Theygotheremoreoftenthan we. 5.       HecanspeakJapanesebetter thanEnglish. 6.       Ilikeyoubetterthanhe(likesyou).我喜歡你甚於他喜歡你。

7.       Ilikeyoubetterthan(Ilike)him. 我喜歡你甚於喜歡他。

8.       Iloveyoumorethanmylife. 9.       Whichdoyoulikebetter,this orthat? *** much+比較級副詞  Atrainrunsmuchfasterthanabus.                              Hesingsmuch betterthanBill. 最高級句型 動詞 +最高級副詞 1.       Billruns(the)fastestin theclass. 2.       Johnworks(the)most carefullyofall. 3.       Whichdoyoulike(the)best,apples, orangesorbananas? *形容詞原級ž比較級(規則1) A:__________________________________________ tall"__________   high"__________  short"__________ nice"__________  cute"__________  late"__________ *形容詞原級ž比較級(規則2) B:___________________________________________ happy"__________ pretty"__________ heavy"_____________ *形容詞原級ž比較級(規則3) C:___________________________________________ hot"__________fat"__________ red"__________ *形容詞原級ž比較級(規則4) D:___________________________________________ beautiful"____________________         difficult"____________________ serious"____________________ *形容詞原級ž比較級(不規則) E:_________________________________________  good"__________ bad"__________ many"__________ much"__________ Practice: 1.      close"__________2.cute"__________3.safe"__________4.gentle"__________ 5.       narrow"__________6.noisy"__________7.easy"__________8.red"__________ 9.       sad"__________10.glad"__________11.lazy"__________12.wide"__________ 13.thin"__________14.wet"__________15.dirty"__________16.new"________17.old"__________18.thirsty"__________19.special"_____________20.brave"________21.delicious"_____________22.expensive"__________ 21.short"__________22.difficult"____________ 23.handsome"__________ 24.early"__________ 25.serious"__________  26.young"__________ 27.busy"__________28.cheap"__________ 29.warm"__________ 30.cold"__________ 31.hot"__________32convenient"_________________ 33fine"__________ 34.cool"__________35.exciting"__________ 36.dangerous"__________    37.good"__________38.bad"__________ 39.many"__________ 40.much"__________41.confortable"__________ 42useful"__________  *形容詞比較級的用法:用以比較兩人或兩物的比較 (A比B…)A+_______+_________+__________B 1.Peter比我高 __________________________________ 2.我比他好。

__________________________________ 3.第二課比第一課難。

______________________________________________________ 4.紐約的天氣比台北冷。

_________________________________________________ *比較級的強調:__________________+比較級 very+原級 Peter isverytall. Peter比我高的很。

_____________________________________________________ 我比他好一點。

________________________________________________________ 第二課比第一課難很多。

____________________________________________________ 我的眼睛比她的大的多。

________________________________________________ *A是兩者中較…..:__________ 比較級+_______________two/both  她是兩個女孩中較漂亮的She is_____morebeautiful_____________twogirls.  這家店是兩家中較大的__________________________________________________ *A+be+比較級+than+any other+單數名詞(限用於同一範圍的比較) Billistallerthananyotherboyinhis class. **New YorkisbiggerthananycityinEngland.(不同範圍,不加other) *變的越來越……It becomes比較級_____比較級 天氣越來越冷_____________________________________________ 她越來越胖__________________________________________________ 「形容詞比較級和最高級的變化」 (1)+er(比較級), the+est(最高級)(er【ɚ】,est【st】) Ex:smart,tall,cheap,small,… 原級 比較級 最高級 smart smarter thesmartest Ex:Tomissmart. /  Tom’sbrotherisverysmart. -> Tom’sbrotherissmarterthanTom. Ex:Tom’ssisterissmarterthanTom’sbrother./Tom’sbrotheris smarterthanTom. ->Tom’s sisteristhesmartest. (2)單音節形容詞(子音+母音+子音):重覆字尾+er(比較級),the+重覆字尾+est(最高級) Ex:thin,fat, wet,red,big…(thinner,thethinnest) 原級 比較級 最高級 fat fatter thefattest (3)字尾為e的形容詞:+r(比較級),the +st(最高級) Ex:cute,wise,brave,nice,large,close… 原級 比較級 最高級 cute cuter thecutest (4)單音節及二音節形容詞字尾是(子音+y):去掉y+ier(比較級),the+去掉y+iest(最高級)(ier【ɪɚ】,iset【ɪst】) Ex:happy,lucky,busy,lazy,heavy(grayer) 原級 比較級 最高級 lucky luckier theluckiest (5)二音節或多音節-more+形容詞(比較級),themost+形容詞(最高級) Ex:common,handsome,difficult,special… 原級 比較級 最高級 difficult moredifficult themostdifficult (6)字尾為able,ible,ive,ing/ed,ful,less,ous,ary,ly的形容詞- more+形容詞(比較級),themost+形容詞(最高級) Ex:fashionable, impossible,terrible,expensive,active,useful,useless,dangerous,famous, necessary,exciting 原級 比較級 最高級 boring moreboring themostboring (7)不規則變化- EX:bad-worse-theworst,  good/well-better-thebest,  many/much-more-themost,  little-less-theleast…  原級 比較級 最高級 far farther(距離)/further(程度) thefarthest/thefurthest late later(稍後)/latter(後者) thelatest(最近的)/thelast(最後一個) old older(年長)/elder(次序) theoldest/theeldest Ex:Hiselderbrotheristhreeyearsolderthanyoureldestson. 形容詞原級、比較級和最高級的句型使用 I. 會在句中使用到「形容詞原級」的句型- (1)    當A和B一樣時->as+原級+as Ex.1:SueisasbeautifulasMary. Ex.2:MarkisashandsomeasJack. (2)    當A不如B那樣時-> notas+原級+as Ex.1:Thehorseisnotasbigasthebear. Ex.2:Thebookisnotasinterestingasthat one. (3)    當A不如B那樣時->less+原級+than(※即使這個句型中有個“than”,但還是得注意要使用形容詞原級,因為前面已經有一個字“less”做比較級變化了。

) Ex.1:MaryislessbeautifulthanSue. Ex.2:JackislesshandsomethanMark. Ex.3:Thehorseislessbigthanthebear. (4)    A是××裡頭最不….->theleast+原級+in/at/on…(雖然表達的是最高級,但還是得注意要使用形容詞原級,因為前面已經有一個字“theleast”做最高級變化了。

) Ex.1:Thebirdistheleastbiginthecage. Ex.2:Whichbirdistheleastlargeinthecage, theparrot,thepigeonortheeagle? II.會在句中使用到「形容詞比較級」的句型- (1)    A比B還要…-> 比較級+than Ex.1:Iseatingvegetableshealthierthaneating meat? Ex.2:Takinganairplaneisfasterthantakinga train. Ex.3:Thenovelismuch/alot/even/far moredifficultthanthatone. (※劃底線的副詞用來加強比較級,翻成“…得多”,不可以用“very”替換。

) (2)A是兩者中較…->the+比較級+ofthetwo Ex.1:TheABCAirlineisthemore comfortableofthetwoairlines. Ex.2:Thebasketballplayeristhetaller ofthetwo. (3)越…,就越…->The +比較級,the+比較級 Ex.1:Themore,thebetter.(越多越好。

) Ex.2:Themorehereads,thelesshe understands.(讀得越多他越不懂。

) III. 會在句中使用到「形容詞最高級」的句型- (1)  A是最…->the+最高級 Ex.1:Thewhaleisthebiggestseaanimal. Ex.2:Theword“I”isthemostcommonwordin Englishconversations. (2)  強調最高級時,可使用“the very” Ex.1:Pennyistheverymostbeautifulgirlin ourclass. Ex.2:Owlistheverywisestbirdintheworld. IV. 當表達最高級時,我們也可使用比較級及原級來做句子替換。

Ex.:Jackyisthesmarteststudentinmyclassroom. =Jacky issmarterthananyotherstudentinmyclassroom.當成A和B做比較 =Jackyissmarterthanalltheotherstudentsinmyclassroom.當成A和B做比較 =Noanyotherstudent/NootherstudentsinmyclassroomisassmartasJacky.  ExerciseOnline1 ExerciseOnline2 ExerciseOnline3 我的KTV歌本就在雲端... 我不想只是出國,我要的是讀名校! 有150萬為什麼不買美國房子?! Postedby: TeddLinguist 於 12:12PM EmailThisBlogThis!SharetoTwitterSharetoFacebookSharetoPinterest 1comment: sushma said... ThanksforsharingthisvaluableinformationwithuskeepBlogging!!DigitalMarketingagencyinVizagSeoServicesinVizagWebDesigningcompaniesinVizagBestWebsiteDesignersinVizagWebDesigningServicesinVisakhapatnam 2:20PM PostaComment NewerPost OlderPost Home Subscribeto: PostComments(Atom) 希耳朵(Theodore)ReadingStuff 希耳朵~聽聽!讀讀!進口美語分級閱讀教材 BloggerAds RPRTCHAT 找到時間說英文 下載教學 下載教學 RPRTTOEFL托福專區 大量免費練習、模擬測驗、知識提升 RPRTTOEIC多益專區 大量的聽力、閱讀練習、實力提升教材! RPRTKnowledge知識館 有關英文的所有知識 RPRT文法世界 許多的概念講解及練習 RPRTGRE專區 RPRT---K-12專區 美國大學以下基礎常識,考托福TOEFL、雅思IELTS、其他留學檢定非常實用。

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