Lexus ES 300h Luxury | Sedan
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The ES 300h exquisite pairs a 2.5-liter direct injection engine with a powerful, self-charging electric motor to deliver 214 horsepower with maximum fuel ... Models {{tab.make}} {{subtab.categoryText}} DownloadBrochures CompareModels BookaTestDrive ModelConfigurator Price&ModelTools PRICING PriceList PaymentEstimator MODELTOOLS ModelBrochures ModelComparison ModelConfigurator LexusLife&Ownership LexusLifeisanexclusiveownershipprogramwhereeveryexperiencerelatedtoyourLexusiscrafted. LexusOwnershipPortfolio LexusPre-Owned LexusLeasing OnlineEnquiry BookaService DiscoverLexus Configurator BookaTestDrive DiscoverLexus Servicing&Support FindADealer SelectaDealer DealerInformation OnlineEnquiry BookaTestDrive BookaService {{tab.set}} {{gallery.btnText}} Chat Pleaseselectyourpreferredlanguage. Hello,IamJaneandI'myourvirtualassistantfortoday.HowcanIhelp? Name Email Phone City(optional) Askonequestion(optional) STARTCHAT Jane HelloTest,welcometotheLexusChat. HelloTest,welcometotheLexusChat. MODELCOMPARISON VIEWSPECIFICATIONS DOWNLOADBROCHURES LM Anewspaceforluxury Viewmodelvariants LM Anewspaceforluxury Viewmodelvariants LM Anewspaceforluxury Viewmodelvariants LM Anewspaceforluxury Viewmodelvariants HelloTest,welcometotheLexusChat. RX300 RX300h RX350 RX300FSport Test Hi,Iwanttoasksomething.
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- 5Lexus ES 300h Luxury | Sedan
The ES 300h exquisite pairs a 2.5-liter direct injection engine with a powerful, self-charging el...